Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I LOVE Jigsaw Puzzles...usually

I do like to construct jigsaw puzzles....always have. i've done hundreds of them in my lifetime. and every once in a while you will get a puzzle with a piece missing....sometimes even get an extra piece.

I used to buy my puzzles retail...paying full price. and i bought a LOT of them from the Bits and Pieces people...they have lots of cool puzzles. but now i rarely buy anything retail....so i find my puzzles in thrift stores. sometimes you find one that is still shrink wrapped and never been opened.....SCORE!  LOL

The other day i was in a puzzle mood and looked through my boxes and decided to work on this one. a nice spring puzzle.

My usual plan of attack is to pull out all the edge pieces first and do that...then i have an idea where the other stuff fits. as i am pulling edge pieces i might pull out pieces with words on them or something distinctive. this time i was pulling pink pieces...for the car and balloons. i was looking and looking and didn't seem to have many edge pieces. but i started with what i had. imagine my surprise when the whole left side wasn't there....or the top right corner. WTH??  a new kind of puzzle?  hahahaha

Normally i pass them on to my sister to do after i am finished with them. but this one just went in the trash. then the next day....after thinking and mumbling about it.....i thought i should have kept it yet. all of the middle was finished...no empty spots. the only pieces missing were the left side and top right corner. someone did that deliberately. it wasn't just pieces that didn't get into the box...that scenario would have had pieces missing all over the puzzle.

This puzzle was bought from our little thrift store in town here. i bought about 7 or 8 puzzles from them that day. now i am wondering if i will find the rest of these pieces in another box. i am thinking they came from one person. normally that thrift store doesn't have puzzles and i thought i really lucked out to find all these. this might just be a joke from whoever owned them all.....they mixed pieces into other boxes. i sure hope not....it will be aggravating to do others with parts missing. but it makes quite a story. LOL

Along with all the pieces missing.....i got 2 EXTRA pieces in that box...that didn't belong to this puzzle. strange and stranger.

If i have more puzzling puzzles i shall let you know


1 comment:

  1. Ohhh! You have your own technique on how to solve jigsaw puzzles which is amazing. Your love for jigzaws has developed your brain. It also gives you the discipline to focus and be patient.


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