Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Keeping Track

Do you keep track of things? sometime it's fun.

I am keeping track of how much fabric i use in a year and thought it might be fun to see how much thread i use, too.

Here is my thread usage for this year, so far. i've just been throwing them in this bowl....i think i need a bigger bowl.

And that is a pretty good size's a better idea.  there are 58 empty spools. and i threw a few away in the beginning of the year....before i decided to keep track.

Those small ones are from the embroidery see that gets a lot of usage. of course, not all of these spools were full of thread to begin with. but still....58 empty spools.

Now...the next challenge will be ....what do you do with empty spools?  do you have a craft that uses spools?  interested in getting these at the end of year? just let me know and i'll be happy to send them to you...


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