Friday, March 23, 2012

March UFO Challenge is done

The UFO challenge number for March was 8. i only had a few pieces of this sewed together and it had been marinating in the box for some time...probably at least a year.

The pattern was designed by my friend, Maralie, and she called it Tsunami. it became a problem from the first stitch. LOL

The original pattern was only 40"...and i really didn't know how much i needed to make it larger. but i wanted it about couch size. HAH!!  this turned out 98" square. i was just happily cutting along and stitching.

The only reason i finally stopped was i just had about a yard or so left of the main fabric and wanted it for the border. all the rest of the fabric are ones that i have dyed. i added a couple extra lines to the top and bottom to make it a bit longer. but somehow after i added the border, it still came out square. i have NO IDEA how that happened.

The back is pieced with strips of all the hand dyed fabrics that i had. some of these are not in the front....but i just wanted to use them up. major stash busting.

I used my Quiltazoid pattern to quilt it. i was going to do all SID but now glad i didn't. i guess because of all the bias edges...this thing grew on its own. it has several tucks in it to make it somewhat square.

I used Glide red thread on the top and green Bottom Line in the bobbin.....a combo that ALWAYS works on my machine. but not this time....i had issues with the top thread breaking and the bobbin thread getting loopies. and i used a Warm and White batting...which i usually don't use. and i had issues with that, too. little bits all over the back. i am going to throw it in the washer and dryer and see if that tames it any. if not...well .... so be it. it will be a donation somewhere....we just won't tell who did it. LOL

I can only hope next month's challenge is easier....or quicker....or better....or something.  right now i am going to finish up the color palette piece for the month and then take a few days off and go visit my sister.

I'll be back...



  1. A lovely quilt, such a shame you had problems with the quilting.

  2. If the plan does not come together, you can always leave the label off - LoL - Thanks for sharing your wonderful quilt. Judy C


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