Friday, March 9, 2012

Marquita's Stellar

This quilt belongs to my friend, Marquita. it is called Stellar and was designed by my friend, Maralie. this is one of our class i have quilted a few of them.

It is 82" square...Glide thread on top...Bottom Line on bottom.

Cool applique flower in the middle. the only directions i got were to outline the applique and crosshatch the middle.

There are lots of different stars...


And more stars 

All the stars (except one that looks like a cross) are the same star but with different middles.

Cute little prairie points around the middle. i made up the design in the corner. kind of looks like the leaves of a water lily plant.

First border with 9 patches on point....they look like band-aids to me. LOL

Back is a muslin

The 'band-aids' got CC and the last border got a swirly thing that i just made up.

Cross hatching around applique is hard....have to keep backtracking to get in small places.

I have one more quilt to do for Marquita....probably next month.

She doesn't live close any more so have to wait till she comes into town to see it. hope you like it Marquita.

More to come...


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