Saturday, April 14, 2012

April Color Palette Challenge

I have my April color palette challenge pieced. this month was a very strange inspiration.....a picture of a moldy pie.....forgotten in the back of Judy's refrigerator. LOL

I couldn't for the life of me decide on a design...i had about 4 or 5 in EQ but couldn't commit to one. finally i decided i wanted to make a 'pie'. so i made one large block....crazy quilt fashion.  this is my EQ drawing

This is my pie. i think when i quilt it at the end of the year....along with all the other palettes for the year....i will applique some moldy spots on this pie. LOL

It's a bit strange but i actually like it. don't know what that says about me. this was my first time to paper piece this lage a block....15". that was a challenge in itself.

So, i got to check one thing off this month's to-do list. i need to quit playing with other things and get more crossed off that list.

I almost have a customer quilt finished....another day or 2.

I'm leaving town the 24th and will be gone the rest of the things better get hopping around here....sooner rather than



  1. It's cool, it's a very modern looking block.

  2. Fun wonky log cabin! I like it!

  3. Very creative. I love that you made a pie, out of a pie.

  4. What a clever idea to make a pie! It looks great :)


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