Tuesday, May 15, 2012


When i got home from class yesterday i was ready to piece the last block in my current class quilt. but my hubby had other ideas. he wanted to go to the local auction. it's about 2 miles from our house. we live in a very rural area with folks on the bottom end of the income scale. we went to the auction a few weeks ago and actually came home with a mini frig for $15...and it is still working. hahahaha

But i didn't hold out much hope since there is usually stuff there that i don't want....yard sale stuff. sometimes they sell a whole box at a time. and if something goes for $20...that is a high bid....most of it goes for a few dollars.

So, imagine my surprise when i spotted this among the offerings. look at those cute little feet...can you guess what it is?  it's smaller than a bread box. ...  hahahaha

It's this adorable box. it looks like it is covered in leather...but i don't think it is real leather. it is 10" wide, 7" deep and 8" high. i was determined to get it when i saw it. but i didn't want to spend over $5

The inside has some sort of fuzzy fabric. it is in good shape and all the little nails are present on the corner pieces.

A cute little handle on the top. reminds me of a lunchbox. i think it will look lovely on the coffee table at the Duck. of course,.....once i actually get a clean floor to put a coffee table on. LOL  i do have a coffee table already in the garage.

The man who brought this to sell is a regular seller...and to stay he is a bit strange is an understatement. he usually sells totes of stuff all at one time. there will be all kinds of things in there...figurines, showerhead, wiper blades, phone charger, ceramic pot, yarn, any number of things....all in one box. i was afraid he was going to put this together with a bunch of crap that i didn't want. but lucky for me, he pulled it to the side and auctioned it off separately....and i got it for $5. there was one man bidding against me....i might have gone to $7 if i had to. hahahaha

There were 3 gas cans that hubby wanted but the bid went too high so he let them go. so the little box is all we came home with. they have the auction every monday evening....so i might find more treasures


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