Friday, July 13, 2012

Black selvage quilt

I did get this selvage top all quilted up this week. it got a quick maze design with my Quiltazoid boards.

I had some floral fabrics on a black background that i used for the middles. i bordered the floral fabric with the same fabric on all 4 sides....then it was anything and everything black and white for the rest of the block.

There were ferns and butterflies

And daisies

I ran out of the floral fabric so i embroidered 4 or 5 blocks with pink variegated thread to make up the number of blocks that i needed.

Had a black with pink roses for the border..

And a black with yellow roses for the back.

I now have 3 tubs of selvage quilts. and the selvages just keep multiplying. hubby says i need to separate the male from the female selvages. LOL  would the female selvages be the floral ones?  i guess that's my problem....i don't know which is which. i do separate by i don't have any inter-racial selvages. hahahahaha

OK...the brain is going off the deep end....better go to work. see ya..


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