Wednesday, July 4, 2012

It's September!!

No....i haven't lost my's wandering....but not lost yet.

And, no....i haven't figured out how to time travel....but that might not be bad....i could get away from these 100 degree days.

What i'm talking about is that my crazy quilt blocks for September are finished for the Crazy Quilt Journal Project.

Here is the main one that will be sent in to show. i went with black fabrics this time. and added some white and grays, too.

Added some little heart buttons on this bit of lace.

And some bees to visit the flowers

Had to have a dragonfly. and i found some leftover labels from the label quilt.

A cat seemed appropriate, too.....and another label

A pile of buttons and one more label....with my token fuzzy picture. LOL

Here are the other blocks to go with it....block 2 got a few buttons, too.

Block 3...i've been wanting to use that lace frame for a bit. how about that tape measure trim?

A few more buttons and a tassel

Block 5 got some repeats of the tape measure trim, flowers, and trim piece.

Just had to throw that rose in there for a red pop.

Block 7 has 2 little gold hearts and a silver charm...i think it says spirit .... if i remember correctly.

Block 8

Block 9

One of these has a black tassel on it....but i can't see it in these pics. black and white is hard to photograph.

I haven't a clue what i shall do for October...might need another bright color like red or yellow.

I've been working on a lot of selvage blocks so the next crazy quilt blocks might not get worked on till a bit...


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