Saturday, July 28, 2012

Ladies of the World quilt

In my ton of Aunt Sophie inheritance fabrics i found some painted ladies. 24 of them. remember paint in a tube? somewhere in the 60s or 70s. they had home parties like Avon or Tupperware and you could buy paints and all the supplies to go with them...and things to paint, too. Aunt Sophie got me interested in this back then. .... hahaha....she got me into a lot of craft things. either she or her daughter, Pat, painted these ladies. here are a few of them.

I decided they needed to be a quilt. the fabric the ladies are painted on is a stiff sort of pellon fabric but it quilted up without a problem. the needle just sounded a bit clunky going through it.

It got to be 75 x 90".

I love all the colorful costumes.

And the painting is done really well.

The ladies have 'shading' in the fabrics. so when you painted over automatically shaded the things you were painting.

The paints in a tube were fun but could get messy if they decided to leak. you had a little pair of pliers that you could unscrew the tip and put in a new one. the tip was like a ball tip on a pen.

I had a little bucket with dozens of paints in it. the lid of the bucket was your painting 'board'. and there was an embroidery hoop that went over it to hold the fabric taut.

Do you recognize the border map fabric? i used it in my Tokoyo Subway Map Quilt.

The back was pieced....the last bit of map fabric, surrounded by a gold print and dark brown on top and bottom. i managed to get it pretty centered when quilting it.

I'm gonna miss this map was pretty cool.

I used my Quiltazoid large clamshell boards to quilt this up....only took a couple hours. Gold Glide thread on the top and brown So Fine in the bobbin. Warm and natural batting.

I'm going to throw this in the washing machine and then dry it and see how the ladies survive. perhaps i should have done that to the top before i quilted it...but you know i don't plan well. we'll see what happens and i'll let you know...


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