Monday, July 9, 2012

On the Road Again

When i visit thrift stores i always look in the linens and curtains section. sometimes i come across some cool cotton fabric that i can score.

Lately i found this chocolate brown and blue. someone had sewed together a couple of curtain panels with them. i unsewed it all and probably had 4 yards or more. i think i paid 3.99.  score!!

Then i found some cool vehicles on     there were 9 of them and i did them in brown thread on light blue fabric. the designs are called On the Road Again.

This is the top i created with my score fabric and the 9 blocks.

I used just about all of the fabric. the side borders are 8" wide. the bottom is 10" and the top is 12" the blue and brown blocks up there, too.

I was cutting, figuring and piecing as i went. trying to get the most out of my found fabric. had less than a fat quarter left at the end.

It turned out to be 68x80"....a pretty good couch size. or small bed size. it is now residing in the to-be-quilted closet. it joins just 7 other tops ready to be quilted. can you believe it....only 8 now in the cabinet. the beginning of the year there were about 25 tops in there. progress is being made.

If i quit making NEW tops......i could catch up with myself. but we all know that is not going to happen...right?

That's ok...too much fun.


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