Friday, July 27, 2012

Pink and Brown Selvage quilt

I finished quilting the pink and brown selvage quilt. along with the all brown selvage quilt....this put a serious dent in the brown selvage box. probably can still do another brown quilt, though. those selvages go a loooong way. LOL

This one is pretty big...queen size.

I didn't have as many pink selvages as brown so i was scrambling for those. but i made it work.

I found all fabrics that had any pink in them to use.

Didn't have a problem finding browns...the box was overflowing. my brown box also has some golds.

I pieced the back with a solid light brown at the top, a pink floral in the middle, and a dark brown print on the bottom.

Closer look at the middle and bottom.

The pattern is a maze board from Quiltazoid. it goes quickly but has pretty close quilting...about an inch apart. will hold those selvages all down well.

I still have to quilt the all brown selvage's marinating. but right now i am enamored with my embroidery machine and new embroidery cds. making baby and kid quilts. will show some ...


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