Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What a birthday I had!!

My sister knows how to celebrate a birthday. she took me to the Chinese Lantern Festival at the Missouri Botanical Gardens in St. Louis.  you can go here to read all about the various exhibits...   just click on the Lantern Festival and see all the wonderous sights. we spent an hour and a half walking around and seeing all of it.

A group of people came and stayed and built these exhibits over several months. they are built on a steel frame with silk fabric over that. it is just awesome. you have to see it in person. i took over 70 pictures and will be sharing with you as i download them all and fix them up. they brought there own food with them and all the supplies to build.

Here are a few pieces to get you started.

As you enter the grounds, the Welcoming Dragon is there to invite you in. he is 137 feet long. you can see the size of the height by the car that is coming in. it is amazing.

These exhibits are rarely shown outside this was a real treat to have them here in Missouri

To think these are made of steel foundations with silk stretched over it. and there is gold braid covering the seams....miles of it.

Even the green traffic cones are covered in silk.

This is the front of the Gardens building. This is called the Dragon Pillars Gate. go to the website and read the story behind it.

As you come into the building...this is what you see first. Warrior masks


I was really impressed by this. this is the Porcelain Dragon. he is made of Chinese cooking utensils....tens of thousands of bowls, spoons, bottles, wine cups and more. held together by traditional hand tying techniques with string. amazing. even the boxes that he is standing on is covered in silk.

That is one long dragon tail. see those red flowers....those are silk also.

This is a close up of his cups....plates with spoons....all tied with string.

Check this out. i would have loved to watch them work constructing this.

Check out that claw. you can see the string tying here. wonder how many miles of string it took.

Here is the tail. see those colored lights...this whole display is lit up at night. that would have been a wonderful sight.

Heres the tail close up with the lights.

I have many more pics to show you....just keep checking back over the next week or so. the exhibit was awesome. each exhibit had a sign telling the story behind the exhibit. this was the coolest birthday i have spent in a while. thank you, sis.  plus the day was cloudy and breezy.....couldn't beat it.

So, to see more of the Chinese Lantern Exhibit.....come back...


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