Sunday, August 26, 2012

Chinese Lantern Festival - last posting are the final pictures from the Chinese Lantern Festival that was displayed at the Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis, Missouri. today is the last day of the selling of the fabrics that were used to make these exhibits. unfortunately, i did not check on that in time and was not able to participate and see if i could score some cool silk Chinese fabrics. but, my understanding is that you had to remove the whole exhibit piece that you that might have been a problem anyway.

This is Qilin

This exhibit was constructed of thousands of Chinese medicine bottles...filled with colored liquid.

Qilin is a mythical chimerical creature with hooves that is said to appear alongside the arrival of a sage.

A good omen that brings prosperity.

This is the Moonlit Pathway.

Crescent moons...

And stars symbolized a happy and celebratory occasion.

Here is Pandas Paradise...China's most protected animal...they eat bamboo shoots, leaves and tasty tips.

A long walkway showed the Zodiac lanterns. each animal depicted in detail on the face of the lantern with strings of traditional balloon-shaped lanterns dangling. each has its own distinctive advantage in strength or power, intellect and heart.

This depicted the Goddess Blessing Buddha.

An enlightening being who embodies the compassion of all Buddhas.

It has listened to the preaching of the Tathagata Buddha and has pledged to help all that are suffering and in pain.

This is the Blissful Wedding...traditioanlly arranged through a matchmaker.

The bride and groom wear the lucky color of red, a symbol of love, happiness and prosperity.

I loved the little dancers in the wedding party.

And finally, we have the Terra Cotta Warriors. these are figures dating from 210 BC..depicting the armies of Qin Shi Huang, the First Emperor of China.

The figures were discovered in 1974 by farmers near Xi'an, Shaanxi province, China, near the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor.

And that....ladies and gentlemen....concludes the tour of the Chinese Lantern Festival. i hope you enjoyed your visit and will come back again soon.


1 comment:

  1. Shirley, I have enjoyed all your Chinese Lantern Festival pics. I wish I could walk longer distances as I would have loved to seen that in person. Thanks for sharing.


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