Thursday, January 31, 2013

Comfort and Joy, section 7

This section is a pretty basket with another crow. i like that the crows are throughout the quilt.

I took liberties with the cherry branch and gave a cherry to the crow.

This time i reversed the coloring on the wonky star and made the background the gold/yellow instead of the star. lots of flying geese in this quilt, too. lots of opportunities to use small pieces.

Now i only have 1 section left...section 6. but it is the largest. will have 3 applique blocks and lots of filler blocks of flying geese, 9 patches, etc. hope to get it together tonight. then it will be time to piece all those sections together and find a border. the border has some applique, too.

Getting very close to being a top instead of a UFO ... but, then it is technically STILL a UFO until quilted. but we won't think about that right now. hahahahaha

Hope to show you the last section...


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