Saturday, January 19, 2013

Dehydrated foods

I got a new toy....a dehydrator. why didn't i get one of these years ago? i am having so much fun.

Yesterday i made dried carrots, celery, bell peppers and green beans

2 lbs of carrots fits in a pint jar

A stalk of celery fits in a jelly jar. they look like little green worms to me. hahahahaha

A couple pounds of green beans fit in a jelly jar, too.

And 4 large bell peppers fill about half of a quart jar.

Aren't they pretty? now i have to make some soup or stew so i can re-hydrate them and see how they taste.

Today i have apples, pears, pineapple and strawberries in the dehydrator. i love the pineapple. 

No telling what i'll do ....


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