Tuesday, January 29, 2013

O Fir Tree

Our quilt class had a challenge this year for our Christmas party. we were to piece this Christmas tree that our teacher had designed. and embellish it. the winner would recieve a layer cake of fabric ... along with a yard of fabric to match.

Here is my tree. it is filled with machine embroidery designs.

I just did some simple quilting in the background

It says merry across the top and christmas down the side.

Lots of different embroidered ornaments. tree is various green fabrics.

More applique ornaments. I also added some snowflake buttons after these pics were taken.

It was fun to figure out what to do with this.

And....i won the prize. LOL   what a surprise. I won a layer cake by Moda called Collection for a Cause..Warmth by Howard Marcus.  and a yard of a dark blue to go with it. now i need to figure out what to do with it.

All the other decorated trees were so cool. it was really hard to pick one. there was a lovely blue and white with a curvy edge. and a decorated tree with a hanger made of candy canes. i loved that hanger. everyone had a different interpretation. it is always fun at our Christmas parties...seeing all the different designs. oh, yeah, and we ate a lot of food and played some fun games and exchanged lots of goodies. a good time was had by all. we'll see if we can top that...

next year.

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