Friday, February 22, 2013

Forced to sew

On Wednesday, we got part of that storm that came through the Midwest. we got 18 hours of sleet and a bit of rain mixed in. and the temperature has stayed in the 20s since then. as you can imagine....that makes for lots of fun.....if you're a kid and have a sled. if you are retired and have nowhere to go....well it just keeps you indoors. our driveway is rather steep so it is sledding heaven.....if you were so inclined.

So i have been forced to sew for 2 days now. today i made 36 five inch crumb blocks....and about 50 12" trip around the world blocks. and did some hand applique on a couple blocks on the Comfort and Joy quilt top. yesterday was more of the same....with some computer time thrown in the mix for amusement.....and a nap. LOL

Now, some of you might say....that is just the right time for cooking.....or vacuuming....or cleaning that hall closet. i MIGHT have given those options about half a seconds thought....but not more than that. why spend time thinking of things like that when i could be sewing.

But now we are both a bit bored. and are going to take our life in our own hands and venture off of the homestead tomorrow. the truck is in the we only have to get ourselves down the driveway to the barn. and then slide down the driveway.....around the curve....and out onto the street. the streets have been once we get off the property we are home free. 

Now, i am i just put on my big girl panties and my shoes with the best tread...and hike down the driveway. perhaps i can sit down and slide down...maybe not...i probably couldn't make the curve and wind up wrapped around a tree. i need boots with spikes. too bad i don't ski.....i would have equipment to handle this. i guess i'll just figure it out tomorrow. because there is going to be an adventure day....


1 comment:

  1. Glad you chose sewing over housework or cooking! Have a fun adventure today.


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