Thursday, February 7, 2013

Oriental Treasures, block 1

This is a small wallhanging pattern that i bought at some quilt show ages ago. it is its time to be completed. i decided to try needleturn applique on this one. whew!

Here is the pattern. there are only 6 little blocks with minimum pieces...piece of cake...right?  hahahahahaa

I have the first block finished...the flute player. he seems to be listing a bit to the left. didn't get him too straight. i always seem to have trouble getting things to sit straight. i gotta get out the glue stick.

I've never done the needleturn applique before....i usually just do fusible. i got the tree and branches down ok. larger pieces are easier. when i got to the flute players shoes...sheesh those were tiny and hard. by the time i got to his hands and the flute and the inside of his sleeves.....i got out the fusible stuff . my fingers could not do those tiny pieces. how do you do that? 

I will soldier on for the next 5 blocks...doing the needleturn wherever i can and fusing those tiny pieces. otherwise it will never get done. and i do want this to not be a UFO forever. so, i will start the next block...


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