Tuesday, March 5, 2013


When you became an adult..... did you think that you would no longer need discipline?  HAH!!   i think i am worse now than i ever was. i have decided to bring a timer over to the studio so i can set it and do one hour of those things that you have to do...but they might not be so much fun....but they have to get done.

Then i can set it for another hour to play with something that i WANT to do. sigh!!  i feel my life will revolve around timers for a while.

In washing my truckload of stash and putting it away....there were lots of pieces of various muslins and white cottons. i use these a lot for foundation pieces in strip quilts or selvage quilts. so i cut up a lot of it into 10 1/2 inch, 8 1/2 inch, and 6 1/2 inch squares ... my sizes of choice.

On my agenda this month is to make at least 100 string blocks before no more strings fit into the huge tub. and i'm going merrily along....making these....that i am calling Mass Confusion.

They are the 10 1/2 inch blocks. i am using the same fabric for the center stripe... and using the same light colored strip along each side. but not the same lights on each block. then just whatever i pull out of the tub. i've probably got about 15 made by now.

Then i'm thinking... not always a good thing... what shall i do with those other size foundations?  so, the 8 1/2 inch foundations became Show Me Your Colors blocks. now, do i use more of the strips in the huge strip tub? NNOOOOO!!   i have this set of red, white and blue FQs that i've had marinating for a bit, so decide to use them. half will be blues and the other half reds and whites. at least that will use up those FQs .... even if i am cutting them up into new strips (1 1/2" wide) instead of using strips i already have. but in my defense, i think these will look better because they will go together better....it's mainly from one collection called Firecracker.

Then, the brain is still thinking to come up with another plan for the 6 1/2" foundations. and i'm thinking i could use those hundreds of yards of floral fabrics that i got in my truckload stash. (again, not using the stuff in the string tub). but i am pulling out florals out of the string tub, too ... but i don't have a lot of florals.  This time i shall use this brown strip for the center. it has the verse to the Daisy song on it.... you know ... daisy, daisy, give me your answer do...i'm half crazy all for the love of you.

And the sides will be all florals ... and they will be symmetrical. something i haven't done in the past.

So, instead of using up my vast array of strips in the tub ... i have created yet 2 more projects. but still using stash fabrics, so i guess that is good. if you don't hear from me in a while, you'll find me at the bottom of the string tub, buried.

Where is Sister Helene when you need her to smack you on the knuckles with the wooden ruler and say "get back on task".  hahahaha

I need discipline. please God ... give me discipline....


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