Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Moroccan Pottery

Another UFO project gotten to the top pieced stage and ready to be quilted. i only had the fabrics for this one.... nothing put together yet.  the pottery blocks were a panel. it's about 56" square.

What i liked was there were 4 different blocks....then 4 more of the same blocks...but mirror images. i thought that was rather clever of the designer.

My friend, Mary, helped me design this. it was her idea for the log cabin blocks. and she pulled the dark green from my stash and the gold paisley that is the first border and told me to add those, too.

And i think it all turned out just lovely. and just a tiny bit of pink was added for pop.

See that little pink flange? i've never done that before. woohoo! for me. hahahaha   when i quilt it i won't be quite as crazy about it. hahahaha

I now have 3 more projects pulled out to work on next. i tend to work on 3 things at a time...keeps me from getting bored. so i have more blocks to put together and tops to piece...


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