Saturday, April 20, 2013

Birds and Blooms

While i was piecing flower garden strip blocks the other day i had a brain fart. i was thinking that they would look good as a border around a quilt. then i remembered having this piece of fabric with birds on it from my truckload of fabrics that i got some weeks ago. i dug it out and this is what happened.

It's a heavier fabric .... could be upholstery stuff. i cut off the striped borders and cut the middle to 36 1/2" square to have the 6" strip blocks fit. the birds and flowers look pretty cool. i'm thinking i will do some trapunto around them when i quilt it and it will get some fancy background quilting.

I used 28 strip flower blocks for the border. i still have about 60 of those ... and i'm still making them.

Once it was finished i wished i had put a small orange border between the center birds and the blocks....or an orange flange. but i am not taking it off and re-doing. that's not how i roll. LOL

The orange border seems to go with the colors of the flowers in the middle. the more i look at it...the more i like it. it was quick and easy and went together in a few hours.

Another quicky top is coming...


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