Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Winter Wonderland

Yet another UFO box is emptied. this was a kit from JoAnns.  they sell them in 'steps'. this quilt top has 6 steps. i happened to find them when they were trying to get rid of the last of them for $5 each and all the steps were there.

I really like it. I changed the way the center was put together. their instructions had you sewing pieces together. i just cut out all the pieces and fused it all onto a background. works for me. i love the little snowman in front of the tree.

It is created in rows. but i don't like that the rows don't line up 'properly'. i wouldn't have put that blue strip on the top and bottom of the tan strip with the ribbons and berries. to me, it doesn't flow properly. your eyes stop at the blue strips. and those 2 little blue pieces on the outside of the log cabins in row 2 .... i would have moved them to the inside ... to line up more with the vertical blue strips around the center. wish i had looked at that before i sewed it all together. i must be more observant. it's funny how you don't notice things until you see them in a photo.

But it was easy to construct. all the fabrics come with the steps and the pieces are mainly cut out for you. the snow in the center and the snowflakes are a white flannel. that was a nice touch.

The trees are fused, also. as are the holly and berries and ribbons. 

It is wall hanging size and hopefully it will get quilted before next Christmas so it can go for sale.

I've had enough fusing for a while now. i'll try something different ...


1 comment:

  1. Hey Shirley-you just solved a mystery for me!! Over the winter I was cleaning out my closet and ran across a packet from this very quilt-given to me and it wasn't all there and couldn't figure it out-now I know!!


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