Saturday, May 25, 2013

Ahhhh.....the wonders of Spring

Next week we are putting a new metal roof on the wood shed. so my job was to take the old lumber and plastic tarp roof off. not a problem. hahahaha

First.....i encounter large black ants...hundreds of them....have set up their town between a board and a tarp. luckily i didn't bring them down on my head. i know ant bites HURT.  got rid of that problem.

Got all the tarps unstuck and dealt with tree limbs and water and bugs. ugh!!

Got in the back to trim some brush and vines so the guys could get around the shed. got a splinter in my hand. .... don't know how. no problem...pull that sucker out.

Raked tons of leaves from behind the shed. seems all the leaves come down the hill and stop back there. great mulch...hahahaha

After finishing that job....was sitting and sewing and relaxing for a bit. felt something crawling up my leg. look....a fat tick. hate those suckers. got rid of him. 

You know...once you feel a tick....then you keep feeling like things are crawling on you. felt like something was in my hair....kept feeling around and scratching...nothing. went and brushed my hair....nothing. ok...imagination.

Went to the computer to play scrabble....felt something crawling behind my ear....another tick. damn it!   i was not nice to him. i have to go get in the shower and drown any more ticks that might be on me. didn't find any more.....but if there least they are clean.  i still feel itchy. hahahaha

Sheesh....i hate ticks. takes all the fun out of Spring.


  1. I'm with ya on the ticks. I hate them! When i get to heaven, the first thing i want to say is ...."ticks? Really? What were you thinking?"


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