Saturday, May 25, 2013

Country Ads

Several months back i explored a thrift store outside of town. it was packed with stuff and you could hardly get around. but way in the back among piles of fabrics i found a cool fabric with ads on it. it was made into a couple of simple curtain panels. so i took it home, took out the curtain seams, cut out some of the little ads and made this.

I cut out individual pictures of ads and using the colors in the ads, went around them with matching strips. then bordered that with the ad fabric...then bordered it again in brown.  a few weeks later, i went into a little quilt shop and found 2 yards of the exact same fabric....only with a black background instead of white. so that became the border.

These are the cutest little ads.  Wooly's Alfalfa Seed

Chick Brand Allspice

Holstein Canned Milk

Rolling Hills Eggs

Sunset Best Flour

Colt Brand Potatoes

My favorite ..... Rooster Tail Poultry Seasoning

Windmill Flour

And there are several more. i love this fabric. i'm thinking it might have to hang at the Duck in the dining room.  perhaps kitchen if i can find room in there.

It's a winner.

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