Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Strange, different, crazy

All those words describe this quilt top. and, coincidence or not....they also describe me...the quilt maker. LOL

Making many of the same repetitive blocks for a quilt is sort of boring for me. i like different. so, i dumped out the black, red and purple scrap boxes and they became this.

These are larger scraps....anything smaller than a fat quarter. just different chunks.  

I just started sewing them together....aiming for a piece that was at least 18" x 24"

Any size piece....any color. Once i got the 18x24" piece ... i cut it into a dozen 6" squares. sort of instant crazy quilt squares. then i pieced the 6" squares into 9 patches...then pieced the 9 patch blocks into rows ... 4x5.

When it got time for borders....it was also anything goes. no measuring....just cut and sew. different widths and different fabrics.

It is truly a crazy quilt....

Sewn by a crazy woman ..... pretending to be normal. hahahahahaha

Sometimes it works.

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