Monday, June 17, 2013

Cutting and baling

We had a guy approach us about putting cows on our property. we have had them before and enjoyed we told him yes. he is to keep the fence in repair and run a bit more fence to keep the cows out of the woods.

He also is cutting and baling about 35 acres of grass that is about 3 foot tall. they cut for 3 days and have been baling for 2. they estimated 1800 square bales to come out. they had just started cutting the day before i left for the Duck ... so i didn't get to watch the whole process.

I was concerned about the kid riding on the fender of the tractor. i believe he is the 'spotter' .... to look for any problems the tractor might have.....logs, fencing down, etc.  they did scare up a couple of baby deer laying in the tall grass.

They cut all day....until after 9pm. and came back and did it again the next day.

Then they started bailing and the square baler wasn't tying properly. .... so it was a challenge. i believe they took 3 trailer loads of square bales out. then they switched to large round bales. those are laying all over the fields.

But it rained yesterday, so baling is called off till it dries up some. still have more than half to bale up. it is quite the process.

The fields look good all cut down. then they will put up a section of fence and then bring in the cows. it's kind of fun to have cows and watch their silliness.

As long as they stay out of my garden, we'll be friends. will be back with cow pics, hopefully,....


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