Friday, June 21, 2013

June Git 'Er Done Challenge completed

If you are playing along with JudyL at   then you know what this is all about. my Git 'Er Done Challenge list for June was:

1.  Piece the red and white 4 patch top...DONE

It's bigger than it looks...queen size...just hanging over the rack.  Hope to quilt it in the next week or so...i have a plan.....kind of.

2.  Finish piecing Garden Flowers strip blocks....DONE

3.  Quilt alphabet quilt for my sis ....  DONE

4.  Quilt wall hanging made from candy paper wrappers ....  DONE

This is about 18x24" .  i hung it on the wall at the studio. you can't quilt over paper much...i had to put a bit of Elmers in a couple places.

Can you see where it says Reeses on it?  a lot of candy was consumed for this quilt. LOL

The July Challenge list is:

1.  Quilt that red and white 4 patch top.

I have a plan to just quilt Xs over the squares. can't make up my mind if i want to quilt it all one color...either red or white thread ....or put red thread on the red blocks and white thread on the white blocks. thread on the white blocks  and white thread on the red blocks.  now that i think on it....i'm guessing i probably need to do all white i can travel back and forth across the rows without stopping. that's a plan!

2.  I have started an alphabet quilt .... and with numbers, too. so far i have done 5 blocks...H L M W and Z.  i want to paper piece all the rest of the letters and the numbers. and then see how many more pics i can find for the letters.

3.  Sew all red, white and blue strip blocks for the flag quilt. i have 12 done....i need 80.

I've had this pile of red, white and blue sitting for a while....time to use them up.

4.  Piece together the Disappearing 16 patch blocks. i have part of it done...needs sashing and borders and perhaps a few more blocks. it is all scrappy. one day i got out the AccuQuilt cutter and cut about 750  5" blocks. LOL  out of my scrap boxes.....i have enough cut for another quilt, too.

I think that should all be do-able for July. i will be gone a few days....but most of these projects are already just need to Git 'Er Done.

Are you playing along? are you keeping up?   Just...

Git 'Er Done

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed you got all four goals finished for June! Way to go!


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