Saturday, June 29, 2013

LISTEN .... to that voice in your head

So, I'm paper piecing my numbers for the ABC123 quilt. i do 1 and 2 .... hang them on the wall....admire them...and say 'that is good'.

Then i make 3 and 4 .... hang them on the wall....admire them....hhmmmm......not sure i like that. well, it will be ok.

Make 5 and 6 ..... hang them on the wall.... admire them.....shoot!!.....i don't like those at all. damn it!!

So, instead of listening to that voice in my head and only having to re-do numbers 3 and 4......i now have to re-do numbers 3, 4, 5 and 6.  sheesh!    experience teaches me nothing. i think i am untrainable.

So, i have redone numbers 3 and 4, ..... hung them on the wall....admired them....and said 'that is good'. 

But, now i am done for the night. 5 and 6 can wait till tomorrow. 

Why does it take me so long to listen to the voice in my head?  it must be the rebel in me.

I gotta do better.

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