Friday, June 28, 2013

The state of the garden

I try to get out in the garden early in the mornings to pull grass and weeds. and then again in the evening. i am not keeping up too well at this point. sigh!!

We have 3 1/2 rows with tomatoes, bell peppers, banana peppers and hot peppers. ... about 70 plants. since i took this pic yesterday i have cleaned out the rest of that grass between the rows and mulched it with grass clippings.

You'll notice there is an 8 foot tall deer fence.

I have 2 purple bell peppers so far. in the past, my pepper plants have gotten as tall as tomatoes. these are staying low to the ground. i got the plants from the local high school greenhouse so don't know what type plants they are. apparantly short ones. hahahahaha

Several plants have banana peppers

I believe this is a hot pepper.

Several tomato plants have babies.

Four rows of corn....200 kernels planted...probably 80% grew. still have to clean grass from the left side row.

About a dozen cushaw squash plants. i planted an abundance in  hopes of getting a half dozen cushaw. if they all make cushaw...i might be in trouble. LOL   more grass to clean out around these, too.

My row of okra is pretty sad. they have been this size for a month. i need to clean a little more around them and mulch better. i need a clone.

I managed to get a row and a few of popcorn in the ground. yes, it needs some cleaning up, too. first time i tried popcorn. never did get any more planted. i guess if these do well, i'll plant more next year. i sort of planted around 3 sides of the garden area instead of all together. don't ask me why. i need to plant things together more so i can turn the sprinkler on them.....think, Shirley, think.

We have 5 apple trees....2 of them are loaded with apples this year.

I tried to thin them out so i would get larger apples but that job is tedious...and hot....and tedious....and boring. so, i'll get what i get. LOL  they need some serious pruning for next year.

Also have a new peach tree with 10 peaches on it. hope we actually get some of those and the squirrels don't find them. we started out with there is hope.  2 yellow plums on the new plum tree. all other fruit trees too new to give fruit this year. perhaps next year.

I never did get the carrots planted. i planted green beans and sugar snap peas. overnight the rabbits ate them all.  planted more....same result.  they did leave me stalks of 2 green beans....and those have grown more leaves and i might get a few beans.  unless they come back for them, too.

I saw a rabbit in the driveway when i was pulling grass yesterday. he was looking at the garden....i could see the wheels turning....did he want corn for supper....maybe okra?  i threw a rock at him and he ignored it. threw another rock, closer...he ignored that too.  i threw a THIRD rock....he looked at it and walked away. apparently we have fearless rabbits. wonder if buckshot scares them. hahahahaha

Gotta clean out more grass and weeds so i have room for more mulch. between pulling grass and cutting grass, i stay busy all day long. my hands and back can attest to that, too.

But if i get tomatoes to can and corn to will all be worth it.  might even get a rabbit in the pot.

1 comment:

  1. Believe it or not but the entire 1/2 acre garden spot was plowed and tilled with the tractor 4 or 5 times this year, then had lime and fertilizer spread on it. But now look at it - looks like a golf course. So much for plowing and tilling.


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