Saturday, July 13, 2013

In danger .... of something

I was mowing grass at the studio yesterday and stopped to move the drain from the gutters out of the way. i heard this awful noise....what the hell was THAT?!!

This is the deck on the back of the studio. in that black hole are steps going down to a door into the basement. you have to kind of crawl in and duck walk the first couple of steps. whatever that noise was down there. i was NOT going down there. i wouldn't be able to get away fast from down in that hole. it is pretty dark down there and you can't see well what is down there. but every few seconds something was making a weird noise.

It is all rock walls.....on the right is where the door is. look at the floor....there is a pump there. when it rains really hard...i get water in there and it goes under the door to the basement. so i switch on the pump and it pumps it out. there is a hose down there that pumps the water up the stairs and down the hill. the noise sounded like the pump was cycling off and on. that couldn't be possible....the pump was shut off.  i went into the studio to make sure. was turned off.    went back to the hole....noise still coming from down there. were their creatures down there?  all i've ever seen down there were birds. sometimes a bird makes a nest at the top of the door. was it snakes? didn't sound like rattlers. i was not going down there to investigate. time to go get hubby. hahahaha

The boards at the top are the bottom of the deck. you can see the doorway on the right. look at that wall straight ahead. what is that black spot?  that wasn't there before.  get a closer pic.

It's BIRDS!!  4 or 5 baby birds making a hell of a racket in this little nest that is affixed to a vertical rock wall. how does that bird DO that?  i guess the noise from the birds bounced around those rock walls and made it sound ominous. they would holler for a while....then stop...then holler again.  jim actually went down in the hole and looked at the pump and couldn't figure out the problem. of course, he is deaf, so he didn't hear the birds. hahahaha  then i noticed that on the wall and had him look at it. then we discovered the birds. 

They were probably just as scared of me as i was of them. it would be sad if birds gave me a heart attack and killed me. LOL  i have seen a bird come flying out of there several i know why.

Creatures in the country are way more dangerous than in the city.

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