Tuesday, August 20, 2013

A little bit of fusing ..... a little bit of sewing

Only a few more letters to go in the alphabet squares. but some of them are rather sparse....like the U

U is for ....


sea Urchin

beach Umbrella


And, US mail box

I hope i can find more U pictures. i'm still on the hunt.

In the sewing department ..... I've been working on a quilt for my friend, Brenda. got the blocks done today. have to finish background fill in 2 rows of blocks and 2 borders and then it is finished.  good thing Brenda is patient.

I also got a new pattern from my friend, Mary. it is called Ebony and Ivory.  it is a sampler quilt .... and i am doing it in black and white ..... as the pattern suggests. the blocks are 6" square.

#1 Rising Star

#2 Shooting Star

The contrast on the second one isn't wonderful but i'll keep it that way. those polka dots seem to wind up in the wrong place and make the block look goofy. plus those background pieces are going different directions. i MIGHT have to make this block over .... we'll see.

I have been working on white selvage blocks that i am going to turn into a rug .... with a burlap backing.

And working on RWB strip blocks for QOV for Alycia. and also working on a quilt that i drew out in EQ that i saw somewhere and liked. so, i AM sewing .... just in small bites of time here and there.

I think tomorrow is tomato canning day once again.


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