Friday, September 13, 2013

Apples, apples ...... cushaw

I have picked all the apples off the trees.  correction...I picked them as high as i could reach.....then a guy down the road picked the ones on top. his reward...he got to keep all that he picked.  win - win.

I have made a couple batches of applesauce. i believe 13 pints....

An apple pie. quite delicious...except i put a tad too much lemon in there and it is a bit too tart. but it hasn't stopped us from eating it ... it is half gone.

And 9 pints of spicy apple slices. i'm thinking these could be put into a pie ... or, just open a jar and eat them.

I have 167 apples left to process. yes, i counted them. i'm weird that way.

I also picked the second cushaw. a lightweight .... only weighed in at 20 lbs.  i had a pic of it but somehow deleted it from the camera card. my fingers were traveling too fast on the computer keys and hit the wrong one. the neck of it is now in the oven. i thought i would try baking this one instead of boiling. might go quicker. the hard part is cutting that thing into almost need a chainsaw. LOL

I think i am getting everything under control around here so i can go out of town for a week.

Laundry done .... check
Apple and cushaw canning under control .... check
Garden cleaned up and mowed .... check
Tomato cages all hung up .... check
Fence panels all hung up .... check
Things all packed and in the truck ... check
Studio grass mowed .... ch .... oh, gotta go do that.


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