Sunday, September 1, 2013

August Git 'Er Done Challenge completed

It took the whole month this time to complete my August challenge items. and i have to admit .... although i worked on #3 .... i gave up on it. it is not gonna happen. here is how the list went.

#1.  Quilt my friend, Brenda's quilt. .... done

#2.  Piece 3 more Album of Memories quilt blocks .... done

Country Sunshine .... a lot of set in seams ... not my favorite. but i steamed and starched it into submission.

Floral Essence .... a fun one

Feather Dash ... an easy one

#3  paper piece veggie blocks for quilt.  here's where it all went wrong.  i have been working on this for years ... it comes out.....i do a block or 2 ..... i get aggravated with goes back into the box. this month i made a couple of blocks and then got as far as the green beans and gave it up. i am not aggravating myself with this any more.  i have a blog entry that is offering the book, all the blocks, and the veggie fabrics to whoever would like to tackle it.  i am through. i finished 6 or 8 blocks .... someone else can make the rest. if no one is interested .... it will go in the thrift store box. 

The green beans from Hell

I liked the bell peppers.  i have also done asparagus, onions, tomatoes, eggplant, carrots, and a few more.

#4  Finish fusing the alphabet square blocks.....done.  i have the front top together (except for the final border). and the blocks for the back top are done but not yet assembled. i just finished appliquing down the fused pictures. i still need to find some pics to fill in some of the blocks ..... but for this month's project .... it is finished.

This will be the front of the quilt.

And this is the back.

This fabric that i used for filler blocks will also be the final border. this was a lot of fun to do.

Now .... on to September's list.

1.  Quilt my sister's Baltimore Album top. it's laying on the frame....waiting to be loaded and started.

2.  Piece 3 more blocks for the Album of Memories quilt

3.  Piece a quilt top with 6 folk art type blocks that i have. no clue yet what to do.  here are 4 of them.

4.  Make a present for my sister. i can't show you here .... because she reads my blog.  but i bought something for her ..... and i need to add something to it. i will see her on the 14th .... so i hope to have it finished by then. that means i need to get started. hahahahaha   hope you like it sis.

I hope my September list is do-able. i'll be gone for a week. and tomato canning is still kicking my butt ..... but i'll give it my best shot.

Hope you got all your projects finished.



  1. :-( Sorry you are not enjoying the paper piecing. But there are times when we just have to say 'this is not my thing!' The blocks look really good though. Have you ever watched Carol Doak's paper piecing DVD? Lots of good tips. I think she might have a class on Craftsy. ... Just in case you want to give it another go.

  2. Sharon ... the paper piecing was not my problem. i love paper piecing. it's just the blocks. there are about a hundred pieces for each block. and what do you do with just one carrot? you have to make several of them. i just got to the point where i don't like it any more.

    1. Oh! I see! I thought you didn't like paper piecing. Hope you are enjoying all the other projects.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I think you did very well for August. Can't believe you did THREE Baltimore-type blocks in one month!


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