Friday, September 27, 2013

Fractured sept 27

Almost forgot about this project this week. noticed the book sitting on the table on Wednesday and said ... oh, oh....better get on that. got 9 blocks cut out and finished them up last night. then forgot to post them here.  arrggh!  getting too forgetful in my old age. 

But here is what i have so far.  top half almost done.

Coming along nicely. i might need to dig out some more light colors. pickins' are getting slim.

But still a cool quilt.  thanks, Vicki, for suggesting it.



  1. I really love the variety of fabrics in your version.

  2. Wow, yours is really going a lot faster than mine! Love your color combos, too!! It's going to be huge, I'm making a smaller version because of having to quilt it on a domestic machine. I see you have a longarm, so you're all set.

  3. Congrats on your progress -- I have yet to begin cutting into my fabrics.

  4. I love your fabrics. Especially the greens. You've got the right amount of contrast down to a science.

  5. This is looking lovely, look forward to the finish and seeing how you quilt it with your long arm!

  6. I love the colors you have selected for your Fractured quilt!


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