Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Fracture is healed!

Not my bones .... my quilt.  the name of it is Fractured. the fractured blocks are healed (pieced).

It was a Quilt Along with Vicki Welsh. We started about a month ago and reported in every Friday. i got so close to being finished that i just did all the blocks and then put it together.

I love this quilt. thanks, Vicki, for inspiring me to make it. it seems so simple....but was a headache in the beginning until i figured out the blocks and how to cut. there are 4 different blocks. i sure hope i got them all in the correct spot. i would think it was right....stand back and look...and find a mistake. should have been called Brain Teaser. LOL

Once i got almost finished i noticed that the red blocks were really popping out. so i decided to do the 3 center 'circles' in red. that meant i had to re-do an A and a B block. they are now orphan blocks. and then i had to re-do parts of about 12 other blocks. on the first go round....i did most of them wrong. (insert bad words here..LOL)   then i figured it out once again. this quilt is not for the faint of heart or someone who gets aggravated easily. i was running out of red and piecing little parts together. i still had to do 2 little pieces with a different red/black print. but i don't think it is too noticeable.  it is on the left 'corner', bottom. with the orange background.

I tried to move things around so the same colors weren't together but it didn't work too much. i would have had to plan that from the beginning. so, it is what it is. and it is done. and i like it a lot. 

I am already starting another quilt from that book. Vicki, you get me in so much trouble. hahahaha


  1. Love your finished top! It is so fun but I don't think that I will try it!

  2. Awesome! I love the red center blocks.

  3. I love your red rings, but i am so glad that I did not try that. My brain is aching making standard C & D blocks.

  4. I love the layout that you ended with. I think too planned from the beginning defeats the purpose of a scrappy quilt. I like surprises with my layouts. I'm starting quilt 2 also. This one should be easier, right?

  5. I love what you've done... especially the red center rings. I agree with you about it being a brain teaser and that's why I didn't make the "blocks", but rather just put it together in rows. Way easier for my little pea brain to figure out! :)

  6. You don't have your email enabled on your profile, so I can't answer your comments. If you need help with it email me back.

  7. Fabulous quilt! Love your red center!

  8. I'm trying not to plan at all with mine but find it so hard to be random. I really like your red center but think that would be too hard to figure out. Great job!

  9. Lovely quilt - and I have found it a bit of a challenge!

  10. Hello! I just finished my fractured quilt and linked up with your group. I too am thinking to do another from the book. I really had fun with this one, I agree, it seemed so simple, but could get a little hairy with color choices. Nice job! The reds really do pop, I wonder about all reds?!

  11. I love the "healed" aspect . . . I have finished my first (red centre pattern) and am about to start on my Fractured . . . have learned a LOT from watching all of you!!

  12. Great to see your finished quilt top! Looks good and I agree it was a bit of a headache for me initially!

  13. Great top. I really like that you rearrange to make the 3 center red rings. I'm trying to figure out if I can arrange it so that the backgrounds are in rings. It may make me have brain death, but you seem to have pulled it together. Very nice top.


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