Monday, August 18, 2014

Today's garden harvest

This morning i went out to the garden and looked to see what i could find for dinner. a lady told me yesterday that she dug out her potatoes and found a lot of rotted ones. so, i checked mine. i dug up 3 or 4 plants and did find 2 rotted potatoes. and a whole lot of tiny potatoes. but i did manage a few good sized ones.

And i dug up 2 sweet potato plants, too. i had never planted sweet potatoes before and have vines covering an area about 50' x 15'.  and they would be much further out, but i keep taking the ends of the vines and putting them back in the pile. there are pretty purple flowers blooming there.

I found several good size sweet potatoes. i really didn't know how they grew. the roots stretch out from the main plant and tubers grow on the roots. weird. there were quite a few smaller ones that got fed to the cows. hahha    by the way, cows (and bulls) love sweet potato vines. they were fighting over them. potato plants...not so much.

So, then i picked 1 yellow bell pepper .... i have one more out there for next time. and a few banana peppers. pickins' are slim there.

So, dinner tomorrow will be baked pork chops and my potatoes, sweet potatoes, and peppers. and some tomatoes for good measure.

Eating from the garden is a good thing.

1 comment:

  1. This is my favorite time of year - when I can 'shop' in the garden for supper. I'm very jealous of your sweet potato harvest.


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