Sunday, October 26, 2014

Laurie's Dresser Scarves quilt

It's ok to take 7 weeks to quilt a top....isn't it?  haha  that is how long it took me to do this quilt. it was labor intensive. i didn't work on it every day....and some days only an hour or two. but in the last 3 days i made the final push to get it finished. this baby is heavy. it took 22 bobbins worth of thread.

It belongs to my friend, Laurie. she saved dresser scarves and sewed them onto a piece of white fabric to make her quilt. i had to think on this one for a while. it was intimidating at first. 

This middle part looks like it was a table topper. it was already quilted.... so there is more thickness in the middle.

Where i put in those cables there are about a million French Knots. i finally quilt trying to go between where i thought they should be and just quilted the cables....and ignored the dots because some of them are not in line.

I went around all those embroidered flowers and vines and leaves.

There were 2 of most of the dresser scarves but i didn't quilt them alike.  here you see the side border....i did piano keys on the side a random fashion.

Where there was a lot of white space sometime i put in a circle or oval and quilted something different inside of it.

There are lots and lots of feathers....different kinds and different sizes.

There is some cross hatching.....and some curved cross hatching.

Some swirls and some pebbles. you can see some of the bottom border here. i did the bottom and top border with large molar feathers....with an echo...and a spine in each feather.

Different quilting in each scarf.

This scarf had a crocheted dress for the lady. i quilted it down some.

A close up of the center of that scarf. design from Irena Bluhm's books.

Another lovebird scarf...with feathers. you can see more of the bottom border.

An oval design

A wavy double wide cross hatch. can you see the ghost butterflies?

Lots of feathers

A flowery fill

Some curved cross hatching

Random spaced piano key border and part of the top border.

Lots of pebbles and some rays

Another oval filled with feathers

Another Irena Bluhm of my favorites

A close up of that circle with the star. still has some purple marker that hasn't faded out yet...but it will.

More curved cross hatching, pebbles and feathers.

Feathers and hearts

Another butterfly scarf

And, if you like to see the back.....i think the back is the winner on this quilt.

Middle of the back

Bottom of the back.

Now you see why it took 22 bobbins of thread. and so many hours.  Glide thread, white, for the top; Bottom Line, white, for the bobbins. 

Although it took a long stretched my imagination to come up with some designs. taking it for show and tell tomorrow for class. i hope Laurie likes it....i'm sure she will. she always does. and she gives me free reign to do whatever i like.


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