Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Meet Roscoe and Roberta

I have no history of when i did these....but i know it was at least a couple years ago but i can't find any pics....but it is two more tops out of the TBQ cabinet. 

It is a fusible applique....and i used the thick fusible stuff that says not to sew through....sigh!  

The pattern is from Fiber Mosaics and called Cock-A-Doodle

This is Roscoe


He is 21" wide and 23" tall

roscoe close.jpg

Back a bright red that was in the stash

roscoe back.jpg

Binding the same as the background fabric. quilting on that striped background fabric made my eyes cross.

roscoe back close.jpg

This is Roberta....aka know as rotisserie....hahahaha   thanks for the laugh, Michelle. she is 26" wide and 24" tall


They are both made from men's shirts found in thrift stores. i used a thinish batting on the bottom and then a thicker batting under the chicken/rooster. so they puff up nicely.

roberta close.jpg

Copper Glide for top; same shade Bottom Line for bobbin

roberta back.jpg

See that white spot by the neck? that is where my needle broke....i think the tip of it is in Roberta's neck. the white is some batting pulled through. that brown piece on her neck was the culprit. there were about 6 layers there. i was going slow but that didn't help. 

roberta back close.jpg

This will more than likely hang at the Duck. i can't show them to my sister....she will want one. haha

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