Thursday, May 14, 2015

Graffiti Art .... Word Search

Here is another little goodie that i made for the Duck.  it is a word search game that i am going to hang in my office.  i thought of making a scrabble fact, that is where this started....but that seemed too ordinary. haha    so, i mixed game pieces from 2 separate games and set it up like a scrabble board and then put in other letters to 'confuse it up' a bit. 

How many words can you find?  they go vertically and horizontally.  any at an angle are just a happy accident.


You know i had to get my name in there.....and quilting


I also have a Chinese Checker metal board with a game in progress that i glued up. it will hang in the office also.  am trying to think up more games to hang....might still make a scrabble board if i find more scrabble tiles.

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