Thursday, October 22, 2015

Starting on 2016 Goals

OK....the goal for 2015 was to quilt up all the tops in the to-be-quilted cabinet.  i started out fabulously....and things seriously slowed down in the spring......gardening time and mowing grass time.  for the year 2015....i quilted 47 tops.....36 of them being mine. that really wasn't a very good total.....since i wanted at least twice that. and, yes, there are still a couple of months left in the year and i will be trying to get more done. 

Right now, the to-be-quilted cabinet has 77 of my quilt tops in it. and i also have 4 to do for my sister, and 2 for my friend, Mary. to finish all these by the end of 2016 is going to require about 7 tops a week. that, my friends, is not going to happen, i'm sure.

TBQ cabinet.jpg

Today i dug them all out of the cabinet and sorted them by piecing date. the oldest i have dated is from 2011....3 of them for that year. 

So, i am starting early. ..... now.  haha  i will have my sister's quilt off the frame in another day or two. then i will load this one. i found it at a thrift store several months ago. it is hand pieced....and not all that well in some places. i have no idea how old it is. 

stars hand pieced.jpg

stars close.jpg

Also, right now i have 18 .... or 20, probably a couple hidden away some where.....UFOs.  

The garden and mowing is done for the year. there aren't many social obligations this time of year for us. i only have a couple more trips to the Duck planned before it gets too cold to work out there.

Soooo.....the plan is to chain myself to the longarm ..... and GET STUFF DONE.  I really, really, really need to quilt up these tops or just get rid of them. they are weighing on my mind. 

Sheesh!!    i need a clone.

1 comment:

  1. Heck, I think 47 is a great number considering all the work on the Duck!


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