Friday, November 6, 2015

Cabin Cats #5 ... Stairsteps

About 5 years ago, my friend Mary had a yard sale....with partial bolts of fabric. needless to say, i went a little crazy. haha    i bought all the bolts of the line Cabin Cats.  I made 7 quilts from those bolts....all a different pattern. in fact, i still have all the selvages from those bolts and have to make one more selvage Cabin Cats quilt....someday.

This is #5...Stairsteps.  pretty simple. it is 64x78".  i pieced this on March 26, was my oldest UFO. 


Here is a closer look. 

front close.jpg

The back is the remainder of the fabric and muslin around the edges


I used my Quiltazoid Baptist Fan boards

back close.jpg

Top thread is a Glide Red and the bottom is a Bottom Line bright blue.

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