Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Here is the first piecing job for the new year. i call it Landfill....the landfill is made up of garbage.....garbage are leftovers. this top is made from the leftovers of the Black, White and Bold quilt top.

The inside row pieces are the leftovers. white sashing and border came from my stash.

I started out trying to match those pieces in the middle. after re-doing a half dozen of them....i just let them fall where they may...not worth the stress.  i love the Japanese floral strip on the edges of the border. it just said....i want to be in this quilt.

All rows are 4" squares...except this row was 4x6"...and one row (row 8) was 3 3/4" squares. i used every little piece that i could.  it came out to be 42x52"...perfect baby size. 

This is the original Black, White and Bold...that the leftovers came from. it was pieced in April, 2015 and has not been quilted yet.

So far, yearly totals are.....pieced,1 ..... quilted ....0 .....sigh!!  but that quilted total will change today or tomorrow. yeah!!

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