Friday, February 19, 2016

Halloween Town....more blocks done

How can you not like these blocks?  scary but cute.

Block 2A .... Black Cat

Block 3A ... Witch #1  hard to tell in the pic, but her face and hands are a pale green. haha  

Block #4 .... Scarecrow

I did block 3 AND 4 today. the scarecrow only took a bit over an hour...but the witch took over 2 hours. 

Although i did quilt a bit yesterday, there was no quilting going on today....these are much more fun. 

Oh, and i finished using all the red selvages....just need to trim about 50 blocks. and all the purple selvages are gone....and the orange might be finished tonight.  today i started on the green... there are LOTS of it will take a while.

There are so many areas that need work in the studio .....selvages ....quilting.... piecing UFOs..... finishing projects ...... it is hard to know what to do. might take me another 10 years to clear everything out. but i am working it.

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