Monday, February 8, 2016

More Famous Buildings of the World

The last couple of weeks i have constructed a few more buildings. i think i might be getting faster at putting them together....but not any more accurate.  although, i did actually do one of them without any problems. 

Sydney Opera House...Sydney, Australia  This building is used for many different performance types including: Opera Australia, The Australian Ballet, The Sydney Theatre Company, and The Sydney Symphony Orchestra. I'll bet this is amazing in person.

11 Sydney Opera House.jpg

Falling Water...Stewart Township, Pennsylvania   I have also included the picture of the building, as my piece isn't exactly the same. Frank Lloyd Wright designed the weekend mountain retreat to sit on the falls. It was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1966

21 Falling Water.jpg

21 Falling Water pic.jpg

Woolworth Building...New York    Who doesn't remember the five and dime stores of childhood, Woolworths.  This is corporate headquarters and one of the 50 tallest buildings in the US....60 stories. Listed in the National Register of Historic Places. 

40 Woolworth Building.jpg

Torii Gates ... Miyajima Island, Japan   A Torii is a Japanese gate traditionally located at the entrance of a Shinto shrine. This one is sitting in front of Miyajima Island, which is a small island about an hour outside the city of Hiroshima.

50 Torii Gates.jpg

Hall of Supreme Harmony .... Beijing, China    The Forbidden City, home to the Hall of Supreme Harmony, was the imperial palace of China for almost 500 years. The Forbidden City was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1987 because of its important place in the development of Chinese culture and architecture.  I didn't have any problems with this one...because of the name?  haha

52 Hall of Supreme Harmony.jpg

30 St. Mary Axe  ...  London, England   This is a 591 foot tall skyscraper that sits on St. Mary Axe Street in London's main financial district. Even though the building seems to have a curved glass shape, there is only one piece of curved glass in the building: the lens-shaped cap at the top.

53 Thirty St Mary Axe.jpg

These are all coming along....and i now have faith that i can finish them all. 

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