Tuesday, May 3, 2016

A couple of finishes...a start...and some continued...at the Duck

Got a few nice days at the Duck and got a few things accomplished.

I finished up the bedroom graffiti wall quilt....and, most importantly, got the scaffolding down. 

Here it is, in all its glory haha  135" x 60"

all done.jpg

In relation to the couch....about 2 foot above the couch

in relation to couch.jpg

And a couple close ups of the last 2 blocks

block 20 close a.jpg

block 20 close b.jpg

block 21 close a.jpg

Got the first 3 pieces up on the graffiti surround on the living room wall. this doorway leads into the bedroom with the graffiti wall quilt. it will be all black and white and gray...with some silver and a touch of red.

left bottom.jpg

And a few closeups of pics that weren't all blurry. my picture taking sucks. haha

lb a.jpg

lb b.jpg

lb c.jpg

Another finish was the lego wall in the hall off the kitchen. 


I added a little shelf for fun. this part is not glued down...just stuck on the legos.

shelf 2.jpg

It is 3 legos wide

shelf 2 side.jpg

And the laundry room door got a little attention, too.

may 2 c.jpg

may 2 b.jpg

I also painted the last coat on the pocket doors. but i am thinking once the second door gets hung, they will get another coat over all. 

That pretty much wrapped up my fun for this time. my ddil did give me a much needed haircut. and my son put mud flaps on my new truck. it was cool to drive a big girl truck....people got out of my way. hahahaha  that is some heady stuff.

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