Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Blue Selvage Mess

There is no getting around it....this quilt is one holy mess.  it was pieced December 23, 2013....i don't know what was going on then.....i must have been having issues. haha    this thing wouldn't lay flat if you laid it on the floor and stomped on it with both feet.  after a while, i just quit trying to make it behave and just let it do what it wanted to do....so there are many tucks and pleats and folds and whatever.  it will just be a 'love' quilt. hahhaah

Remember Suzanne's Meandering Magic....i haven't done that in a loooong time, so, that is what happened here. i had to be in the front to avoid the intersections so a panto was out.


It is 64" x 78"....kinda, sorta...haha


I tried to find a bad spot to show you, but couldn't find one....and i know there are at least 5.....i guess quilting really does cover a lot of errors. and let's not talk about the feathers.....mine do not look like Suzanne's. i don't think i passed her class.  but, done is good.

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The back was Christmas fabric from JoAnns.....at half price....i have enough more of this for 3 or 4 more backs.

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Top thread was Glide Aqua...bobbin thread was So Fine tan and gold. i finished up both of these spools and then needed 1 more bobbin of another gold.  i alternated the bobbin colors but with the color of the back, you can't even see the difference. binding was a blue with brown polka dots....that used the last of that piece of fabric, too.

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I love using up the last of something.....thread, fabric.....it feels good to think i am using up stuff....before i die. hahahaha

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