Thursday, May 12, 2016

Garden Happenings

This has marinated long enough....since December, 2013.  and it has languished on the frame for a week...sheesh....i am such a procrastinator.  but, done is good. I used boards from RS Design for the quilting...called circuitry. easy pattern, goes quickly.

It was a panel of little garden blocks with bunnies, butterflies, frogs and birds. i cut those into pieces of 4 and then put a couple borders of brown selvages around them. 


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The border is brown selvages, too.


The backing is two pieces of fabric i had in my stash that were a similar print, one a bit darker than the other.


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I used the part of the backing that i cut off after quilting for the binding. 

It is 70x88.....used Glide gold for the top  and a Bottom Line reddish orange for the bobbin.

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