Wednesday, June 15, 2016


Another UFO is quilted. i finished piecing this on October 2, 2013.  It was a quilt-along with Vicki Welsh. 


Once i started playing with placement, i decided to put the reds in the middle. i had to take a few things apart and resew to get it there. and i was piecing small pieces together to get the blocks i needed. haha


I did feathers in the very middle section. i meant to do them in the darker thread, but was already started when i noticed i was still using the white thread. and you know me....i rarely frog unless necessary.

middle feathers.jpg

I did all the dark sections first with white thread. i did the whole width of the quilt there was lots of stops and starts.  on the second pass with the brown thread in the light sections i finally figured out it would go faster to just do them all in one pass and roll the quilt back and forth....and it was much faster. 


Here is how to use up your stash.....pull whatever fabrics you just have a couple yards of....stitch it all together...and you have a back. haha


It turned into a curly pattern on the back. i was trying to come up with something else to quilt in the alternate sections but just couldn't come up with anything that was quick and moved along without back tracking.

back close.jpg

Top thread was Glide Sienna in the light sections and Glide White in the dark sections. Bobbin thread was Bottom Line medium blue.


Binding was strips of backing fabrics after i trimmed it up. 

I like this one a lot.

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