Tuesday, June 21, 2016

More added to the living room wall graffiti at the Duck

I went and added 6 more pieces to the graffiti wall in the living room at the Duck, but this will be the last of it for a bit. i need to get another sheet of luan to glue things to, but that will have to wait for a while.

I added to the right side of the door... 2 pieces at the top and 3 pieces to the bottom.

added to R side.jpg

This is the top

top right.jpg

This is the bottom

bottom R side.jpg

Some close ups of the bottom.....graffiti lives on

close R graffiti lives on.jpg

The ugly duckling.....

close R the ugly duckling.jpg

Becomes the swan

close R becomes the swan.jpg

ET phone home.....because that was all looking like a space ship...haha

close R ET phone home.jpg

Bottom left corner....look, i even mitered the corner

left mitered corner.jpg

And just so you know....plug here

close L plug here.jpg

I am now prepping boards for the first garage installation graffiti. I hope it turns out like i see it in my head. 

It was hot as all get out at the Duck and i just stayed to do what i went for and went back home....home is air conditioned. haha

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