Saturday, January 14, 2017

Results of an iced in day

When you can't get to the studio because of all the ice on the hilly driveway, and you only go outside to throw more wood in the stove, then it's a day to catch up on some UFOs. 

This little beauty is paper pieced. it only had 4 more blocks to piece. i started it in Sept 2016 and finally got it to flimsy state. 


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Oops, i see a spot that is red that should be black. darn

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This tumbler top still needs borders...i'll do that today. I still had to do about half of the selvage tumblers, but they go pretty quickly. the pink, white and black stripe is something that has been in the stash for a long time....i cut as many tumblers as i could with the AccuQuilt machine. Then made a bunch of tumblers with pink selvages. I put them together willy-nilly. the amount wasn't right for a distinct pattern. 


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Today I managed to get to the studio. i have a quilt with some leather loaded on the machine and hope to get some of that finished today. 

We lost electricity last night, so hope that doesn't happen again tonight. Reading Harry Potter by flashlight is quite the experience. haha    And the fir trees down my driveway are all leaning rather crazily. 

Did you get an icy snow day? what did you do?

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